29 Sep 19
2019 Reverse Advent calendar – NOW available
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Looking for a way to help those less well off this Christmas. Then look no further. See attached the Selby & District Foodbank Reverse Advent Calendar for your to download, print out, pin up and add food items into a spare shopping bag when you can. Then feel free to drop anything you collect into […]
19 Aug 19
Selby High School Students Support Foodbank
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Selby & District Foodbank & NCS Programme August 2019 A number of final year Selby High School students elected to take part in the National Citizen Service (NCS) programme for 4 weeks in August. NCS is a voluntary personal and social development programme for 15–17 year olds (further details at The final 2 weeks […]
17 Jun 19
June 2019 Foodbank Newsletter
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I cannot believe we are nearly half way through 2019 as I write to you! During the later half of 2018 and on into 2019 we have seen an unprecedented number of hungry children and adults come to the Foodbank.
24 Dec 18
Merry Christmas and a BIG thanks to our supporters
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A this time of year we have an acute increase in food demands. Without our supporters we could not meet the increase in food needed by hungry families in Selby & District. Merry Christmas and thank you for your ongoing support. Special thanks go to: Auto Web Ruby Shoes Clipper Logistics Selby Selby Running Club […]
2 Dec 18
Reverse Advent Calender – NOW available
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Struggling to know how to give this Christmas? Why not get your family, friends and neighbours involved in the Selby & District Foodbank Reverse Advent Calender. Simply download and print off the Advent Calendar attached (A4), stick it up in your kitchen and add items on the calender (or any others) to a box.
9 Jun 18
January 2018 Update
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Happy New Year! I cannot believe we are in 2018. We’ve had a very busy year at the Selby & District Foodbank, although our financial year finishes at the end of March 2018. We have a whole range of people that come to the Foodbank.
11 Jun 17
June 2017 Update
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As the relatively new volunteer Project Manager for Selby and District Foodbank, I took up my role in a transition stage from January 2016 after attending a Volunteers’ meeting at Selby Town Hall in December 2015.
23 Dec 15
6 Unexpected Things Foodbanks Need
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A visit to the food bank isn’t exactly a traditional Christmas activity, but one UK charity is asking for a little extra help this month, when demand is at its highest and families are choosing between eating and heating.
8 Dec 15
Why Would a Mum Doing a Business Degree Find Herself Begging on the Streets This Winter?
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With Christmas approaching, Michele from Brent Foodbank shares how she’s helping to make the festive season special for those struggling. “For the past few days I haven’t been to the street begging for money to buy food for me and my baby…” This was what a mother at Brent Foodbank told us recently. She was […]
1 Dec 15
Emergency Budget gets the food poverty test
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David McAuley, Chief Executive of The Trussell Trust said: “We have two simple tests for the budget being delivered today. Firstly, what does it do to reduce the number of people in poverty and hunger? Secondly, what does it do to ensure the Government is supporting the work of charities and social enterprise in taking […]